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What are the common causes of anxiety and depression in the corporate world?

Many things in corporate life can make one anxious. Some examples are worrying about a tight deadline, not meeting a sales target, or even a strained relationship with your boss, colleague, or client.

What are some signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression in the workplace?

It is important to note that each person is different, and everyone need not exhibit the below symptoms, but here are a few things to notice.

  • A normally talkative colleague becomes too quiet.
  • Reduced enthusiasm for work.
  • Increased absenteeism. 
  • Lack of sleep.
  • A constant feeling of being tired or tense.

What coping strategies can help individuals manage anxiety and depression in the workplace?

Various strategies can be leveraged, but let us discuss a few ways I have applied when I feel anxious.

  • Taking time off: As Indians, we take pride in not taking any leaves, but that does not help in the long run. Therefore, one should plan and avail leaves/vacations as it helps reduce stress and increases motivation levels.
  • Practice Yoga: If you cannot sleep due to high anxiety, you should try Yoga Nidra, a 30-minute guided meditation that relaxes the body and mind.
  • Go for A Walk: As an individual, I like walking around 6 to 8 kilometers regularly, and it helps me clear my mind and makes me feel rejuvenated.

How can employers create a supportive work culture that promotes mental health and well- being?

In the past three years, especially during the pandemic, various organizations started their own wellness programs, including one or the other item listed below.

  • Encouraging employees to focus on Physical Well Being: Quite a few organizations started with online fitness programs that continued post-pandemic.
  • Be Transparent/Open Communication Channels: “If you never ask, the answer will always be no.” The quote sounds philosophical, but employers need to have a mechanism where an employee can express what stress they are under. It could be as simple as a web portal where employees can share their problems anonymously.
  • Regular Employee Connect: Managers need to connect with their employees at a 1-1 level because that is how one can learn more about challenges at the grassroots level.

How can individuals prioritize self-care, such as getting enough sleep and exercise, to manage anxiety and depression?

In school, you might have heard the proverb “Health is wealth,” but it carries much more weight in real life and especially in the long run. Think about it; when an individual falls sick, it impacts the person, the work they are involved in, and their family. One way to achieve this is to dedicate time for self-care, such as exercising, watching a movie, learning a new skill, or even playing sports like badminton.

Any knal words of encouragement for our readers?

We need to learn to prioritize our health(physical and mental), and there are no two ways around it. A third- party organization/instructor can create our physical fitness regime, but the third party can’t do our exercises

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