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Reverse Walking: The Latest Fitness Fad to Get Fit Faster

0 Walking, the most accessible form of exercise, is long recommended by experts to stay healthy. From reducing the risk of having chronic disease to increasing longevity, walking has successfully proved to be highly effective. Any way of walking, whether it be brisk walking or reverse walking, comes with a boxful of benefits. So here’s all you need to know about “reverse walking” , the not-so-new yet latest fad storming in social platforms. Reverse Walking  Reverse walking or Retro-walking propelled by fitness buffs is hitting the Internet by garnering millions of views. The era of silent walking and rucking has gone with the rise of this captivatingly unconventional exercise. Reverse walking is simply about walking backward, but ensures getting fit faster than traditional walking. This bizarre trend is not actually new; it has been practised by the Chinese for centuries.  Just like the old Chinese saying, “a hundred steps backwards are worth a thousand steps forwards”, reverse walking is fantastically beneficial according to experts.  Difference Between Walking Forward and Backward Walking backward is different from forward walking for the benefits they uniquely flourish in one’s physical and mental health.  It improves the strength of quadriceps way better than forward walking. According to studies, retro-walking has miraculously enhanced muscle strength. If you’re someone who’s desperately looking for a way to burn calories, flip on reverse walking to get your calories burn faster.  From Boosting flexibility to challenging brain to put more attention on what you’re doing, this trend unwraps more health benefits  Benefits of Reverse Walking On Starting Reverse Walking As reverse walking requires one to be more careful, experts suggest empty and open space to avoid getting bumped or hit.  Secondly, it would be hilariously attractive for the passers-by especially if they’re not aware of this trend. If you’re preferring a treadmill as shown in Tiktok, control the speed to ensure safety. It’s also important to keep a good posture while walking backward, like keeping your back straight and lifting your chin up. 

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Pocket Doctors on the Go: Trending Gadgets for Modern Medical Practices

0 In the new world, healthcare has significantly become quicker, resulting in a need to stay technically informed. There is no longer the need for bulky piles of papers sorted in color-coded binders as a new horde of “pocket doctors” arises. Let us discuss some trending gadgets to revolutionize how medical teams work. Portable Diagnostic Device Smart Stethoscopes for Enhanced Listening: Medication Management Made Easy: Wearable technology for patient monitoring: These are just a few exciting gadgets that enable the existence of a “pocket doctor.” As technology continues to evolve, we get a new way every day. Professionals and commoners can expect more innovative tools to turn healthcare into something that will eventually become a snap of a finger. P.S. – This blog does not imply that these are total substitutes for a qualified medical professional but aims to be informative. Ultimately, it’s always better to consult a healthcare professional for guidance!

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Mindful Eating for Kids: A Guide to Parents

Mindful eating is all about creating complete awareness. Talking to your child clearly about certain things will help him understand the concept. You have to start gently with a positive mindset. By knowing the hunger cues, the child understands his body. As a parent, you can sit with the child and ask how he feels when hungry. Ask him to watch how the body responds to hunger.

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The Power of Holistic Wellness: Healing Mind, Body, and Soul

0 A holistic lifestyle is a new-age mantra for an age-old compendium. Millions consider a holistic way of life more natural and a perfect auxiliary to modern medicaments. Holistic wellness is being healthy, encompassing our physical body, in-lying mind and core soul.  Habitually the general perception of health is limited to physical health solely, however, the concept of holism fostered us that the mind is the ultimate head honcho that controls the entire physical apparatus. Holistic wellness is adhering to specific routines until we wake up and go to bed. This includes fasting, eating right, getting sunlight, working out the physical body and inner mind, meditating, and so on and so forth. What is Holistic Therapy? Holistic Therapy involves a wide range of practices like Yoga, Meditation, Breathing exercises, Reiki, and Mindful practices. These techniques can be practiced on a routine, with the therapist’s counsel. There are a few clinical practices like Psychodynamic therapy and Cognitive behavioural therapy, where a therapist uses self-appreciation and positive self-talk techniques. Self-awareness at every level has the greatest healing competency as it makes people realize their potency and feebleness, and makes them ameliorate their lives.  Why is it important? The holistic way has augmented lately as it recuperates the person’s physical, mental and emotional predicaments. Its central idea is to make one more self-aware and through this awareness the individual can reach a serene state of mind. The out-turn of these holistic practices is more perpetual than any medication from any stream of medicine. In principle, holism proffers extensive calmness, greater self-esteem, intuitive decision-making, quick recoup from minor illnesses and convalescing from chronic illness. Holistic techniques are strategized to improve mental health and reduce stress. People find the holistic way as a more optimal way of achieving emotional, physical and spiritual sense that turns over a new leaf in the life of millions. Different Kinds of Holistic Curatives There are different forms of holistic therapies available, the following are a few most popular practices that are widely used.  Reiki – this is an energy healing technique, where the therapist uses minor hand movements to guide the flow of energy in the body. This reduces trauma and stress. Breath-Work – which refers to breathing techniques where the breathing pattern is intentionally changed improving physical and mental health. Breathing in a systematic pattern and practicing it brings more awareness to the soul. Mindfulness – this refers to being extensively aware of what is happening and giving our 100% to the present. This involves various processes step by step before traveling in the path of mindfulness.  Cognitive behavioural therapy – is a clinical therapy, where the therapist talks to the person and changes the way they think. this is majorly used in treating patients with depression.  Psycho Dynamin Therapy – is again a clinical process, in which the therapist manifests the right ideas into the patients in an unconscious state of mind.  Well-Founded Therapist One should always turn to a therapist before practicing any holistic technique. Also, people should never miss out on the medicines prescribed by a doctor, without his consent. The crucial stride of an individual will be finding the right therapist who has hands-on experience in treating patients and an adept in holistic therapy.  As demand for holistic practices increases, centres and practitioners have also boosted in numbers. There are countless holistic healers who treat people, however, only a few have the right experience and know the right techniques that benefit the community.  Hence always be heedful before getting on with a decisive choice.  Last word  In a world where people suffer from myriad ailments and search for a magic pill that resuscitates the lives of millions, there comes an elixir that helps them prevail over the pain, fosters rejuvenation and makes them believe in healing. Holistic healing manifests constructive ideas to the mind and the energy of healing spreads throughout the body. Experts and people who have experienced the magic of healing through self-awareness suggest sitting still and meditating as a mandatory routine for every one of us. 

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