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Privacy Threat! Convenience Vs. Control – A Must-Read for Tech-Savvy Users

0 Every time we scroll through social media, swipe left or right on a dating app, or press a button online, we leave a digital trail about what we do. It is like having hidden cameras installed in every corner of your room, silently recording all your moves. All the cool gadgets that have made our lives easy are digitally stealing and storing your private information. Every click comes with an invisible pop-up, questioning whether our data is the cost we must bear for progress. Let’s explore the trade-offs between privacy and convenience—a debate held not in open fields of contest but right on the glowing screens we use daily. Come along as we check out the most common tech devices that can cause significant threats to our privacy. Most of us get carried away with the convenience of smart gadgets, ignorant of the unknowns stealing our data with each interaction. But at what price do we barter our privacy? It is slowly becoming our daily reality, chipped away with every “I agree.” Do we want to lose our freedom to digital evolution? If not, it’s high time to take those colorful glasses of convenience off our eyes and restore our sight.

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