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Is AI Suitable For Self-Driven Cars?

0 Self-driven cars are one of the most fascinating automotive advancements that today’s generation is excited to see and experience. Soon, these autonomous vehicles are going to impact the way you travel and your entire life.  Another great technological invention of today’s times is artificial intelligence. AI has taken a toll on the entire world and is expected to come up with more advancements and innovations.  What if both self-driven cars and AI meet?  With the extensive worldwide usage of artificial intelligence in every sector, you can expect self-driven cars to be integrated with AI soon. What’ll happen if these two magnificent developments merge? Let’s explore.  What are self-driven cars?  Self-driven cars or autonomous vehicles are devoid of the intervention of a human driver. It moves singularly on its own. Sounds scary, right?  Well, the combination of advanced technology and automotive mechanisms allows these cars to navigate, interact, and make decisions autonomously.  The purpose of having self-driven cars is:  The researchers and engineers are constantly striving to overcome all challenges and launch self-driven cars.  Pros of using AI in self-driven cars  Considering the rapid growth and advancement of AI in today’s technology, these are the potential benefits AI can offer to bring a revolution in the automobile industry:  Challenges of AI in self-driven vehicles  Integrating AI into self-driven autonomous cars also comes up with these challenges on which researchers and engineers still need to focus.  Would you like to include more in the pros and cons? Comment. Please follow for more such stories.

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