Blog Post > Articles by: Sudipa Roy

5 Reasons to Start Blogging as a Side Hustle & Achieve Your Financial Dream!

0 Thinking of creating a blog in 2024? Is making a lot of cash your goal? Have authority over your work? You might not have an entire day to devote to your side project as a side hustler. Furthermore, those who devote their entire attention to their profession may become so fatigued that they barely find some spare time to focus on their side project. Similar discrepancies exist in the amount of cash that side hustlers can invest.  Thankfully, everyone can benefit from blogging’s flexibility in each of these domains. In case you’re thinking of commencing a blog in 2024, we motivate you to start taking a step forward toward blogging.  Gaining recognition as a subject-matter specialist as well as an expert in your field can lead to a variety of possibilities, including paid posts, book agreements, collaborations with brands, media appearances, activities that are beyond financial reach, and more. Blogging is hassle-free to start, as it requires a minimal budget for a year. The available blogging resources are mostly complimentary, without the few nifty ones. For instance, you should invest in top-notch hosting to ensure speed, downtime, and SSL, which can be purchased at nominal charges.  Blogging doesn’t require you to be a professional to get started; in fact, many popular websites were begun by non-experts who gained competence as they progressed. This is the delightful thing about blogging. For instance, weight loss bloggers initially used their websites to track their weight reduction progress and are now using them to educate other people on how to accomplish the same. Blogging can be started without any age restriction. Even though you’re an elderly parent and college student, a blog is easier to commence. Other renowned side hustles, for example, podcasting, YouTube channels, and freelancing, provide a similar degree of independence with age. Blogging is a surefire way to make substantial profits. Bloggers make money from their sites through a variety of methods; usually, they use a mix of sponsored content, affiliate hyperlinks, marketing, and other kinds of business. It’s common for bloggers who put in a lot of effort and concentrate on making cash from their blogs to make considerably more cash from blogging than they would ever anticipate making from regular professions. So, listen to your gut, recognize your passion and skills, verify your resources, and finally start planning for the side hustle of blogging. 

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National Pension Scheme for a Stress-free Retirement? Reasons to Invest In NPS!

0 Everybody wants to retire comfortably and peacefully. It’s reasonable to argue that our longing for a good future and destiny drives us to hustle diligently when we’re young. You must plan carefully, though, if you hope to succeed in this.  Although saving for retirement might be challenging, there are a few tactics that can make the whole thing move more effortlessly. NPS, or the National Pension Scheme, is one well-known option. Hence, in today’s article, we get into all the intricate details and, therefore, continue reading to find out more about it and why you should invest in NPS. NPS carries a relatively low risk in comparison to other investing choices. Additionally, since this is a government-owned program, the equity hazard cap varies from 50% to 75%. Shareholders who are 50 years of age or older have a 75% exposure to risks, which decreases to a 2.5% vulnerability by the moment they are 60 years old. Better earning potential with less risk exposure is offered by this stock investment. Pension guaranteed by PS starting at age 60. Your retirement savings payout will increase in proportion to the size of your capital. With an 18-year-old entrance age, the program enables you to begin saving for a pleasant retirement at an early stage. After reaching sixty years old, you can take out a portion of the collected funds; the remaining amount is placed in an annuity scheme, which will generate ongoing revenue for you. After the investor passes away, the beneficiary has the option of keeping the retirement savings plan in place or closing the account and taking the money out of the annuities.  Beyond the provisions of Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, NPS provides tax incentives. You may exclude up to Rs 50,000 from your taxes for the donations you gave to NPA under Section 80CCD (1B). Recall that this is in addition to the Rs. 1,50,000 discount you can receive for your investment under Section 80C. By doing this, you may potentially reduce your annual tax liability by a sizable sum. To be eligible for this advantage, though, the application has to be made solely for the investments made in the NPS Tier 1 portfolio. For every person, whether they are independent or have a job, NPS is an easy-to-understand and methodical savings strategy. Its fixed reward model aims to give customers the information they need to make well-informed decisions toward a prosperous future through planned savings during their years of employment. 

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A Holistic Approach to Sustainable Automotive Designs: Top 4 Trends to Know About!

0 Automobile manufacturers and architects are currently making major expenditures toward the creation of automobiles that value ecological sustainability throughout every aspect of customer demands and the worldwide plea for a better tomorrow. A prime example of this unwavering devotion can be seen in Tata Motors, where all aspects of the car’s design are firmly ingrained with an obligation to sustainability. The effort includes not only tackling material recyclability or implementing electric engines but also looking into things like the manufacturing method, the source of materials, and sources of electricity to remove false advertising from every aspect of manufacturing. So, what are those sustainable trends? Let’s get into this! 1. Vehicle manufacturers Aim for net-zero emissions of CO2 by 2030–2040 To meet the legal requirements, the automobile industry works on improving engine and emission-reducing technologies. With the life-cycle CO2e usage, that strategy might be modified. More and more OEMs, especially in Europe, are beginning to ask their suppliers to agree to CO2e objectives and measurements well in advance of the regulations’ mandates. Automobile manufacturers’ environmentally friendly transportation strategies will need CO2 monitoring at the product stage far sooner than the EU legislation. 2. Smart Manufacturing and AI Advancement tools like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and the Internet of Things (IoT) are driving an upsurge in the car production sector. “Creative manufacturing” means increasing product efficacy, removing defects, and maximizing energy efficiency. Furthermore, it facilitates waste reduction, supply chain performance, downtime minimization, and scheduled upkeep. AI, for instance, can keep an eye on data from environmental equipment to make sure legal standards are met. 3. Lighter Materials In the automobile sector, cutting the load is a big fad. Automobiles using lighter-weight components can increase environmental sustainability irrespective of engine capacity or architecture. In an attempt to lighten vehicles and support environmental initiatives, automakers are utilizing more composite materials, including aluminum and carbon fiber. Why is the use of lighter materials in vehicle manufacture on the rise? A smaller size means greater effectiveness, longer battery life, and the usage of less materials, assets, and energy during transportation. 4. Manufacture Products That Save More Lives Or Have a Lower Environmental Impact In the context of systems engineering, “design-to-CO2e” refers to an in-depth strategy that involves moving from the initial emphasis on “design to functionality” and “design to expense,” which are additionally expressed in value-analytical techniques or the execution of quality functions, to the extra measurements of CO2 equivalents over the life cycle. Indian automobile consumers nowadays have sophisticated tastes in vehicles that transcend practicality. They look for cars that perfectly combine efficiency and style, appreciating modern design and technological advancements. Features that are beneficial to the environment and sustainable are appealing since they show that the owner chooses their cars thoughtfully.

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Planning to Invest in ULIP? 3 Top Reasons to Consider This Long-Term Investment Option!

0 Wondering what ULIP is? Integrating the advantages of investing and life insurance into one policy is called a Unit-Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP). The investment option aids in monetary goal-achieving and provides monetary safety for your family and friends in the unlikely scenario of a fatal accident.  According to the regulations’ particular conditions, the death compensation amount may consist of the policy’s capitalization or the total amount assured, whichever is greater. A ULIP could make safeguarding the financial well-being of your family while you’re away easier. Knowing what advantages the plan could provide might help you make an educated decision if you’re thinking about buying a ULIP. Read this article to discover why you should get a ULIP and how it helps you. You can elect to allocate your upcoming premiums to an alternative fund through premium redirection. Your first choice of investment will continue to receive all of your prior premiums due. In the newly created fund, you will be able to pick where the money you pay for premiums remains invested going forward. This enables you to alter your prospective financial decisions without compromising the profits of your previous ones. Based on the conditions outlined therein, ULIP provides maturity advantages in accordance with Section 10 (10D) of the Income Tax Act of 1961. In the case of policies purchased after April 1, 2012, the cost of premiums must not exceed 10% of the total insured to qualify for tax incentives upon maturity.  The annual cumulative cost for a plan purchased before April 1, 2012, must be less than 20% of the total amount guaranteed in order to qualify for tax advantages. The Union Budget of 2021 states that the matured amount of an insurance policy obtained on or after February 1, 2021, could potentially be taxable under Long Term Capital Gains tax if the aggregate yearly premium collected exceeds Rs 2.5 lakhs (LTCG). With ULIPs, you can get both investment and life insurance benefits in a single and convenient bundle. These are special financial options. If something unpleasant happens to your family members while the coverage is in effect, the life cover from a ULIP will shield them economically. Your financial aspirations may come true when the policy term ends, and you receive the profits from your investments. In a nutshell, this investment tool offers the advantages of both investing and getting life insurance. You can receive both the required life insurance and the possibility of earning a return on your investment with just one policy, as a policyholder. Additionally, it might serve as a tax-saving financial choice that lets you change and adapt your investment plan at any moment.

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Inflation is Around the Corner: 4 Ways to Manage Your Household Budget During This Crisis!

0 Everything is more expensive, whether at the supermarket or a petrol station. It’s not something you’re dreaming about. The challenge is how to handle your finances when you need more of them to make enough to survive.   Rising petroleum prices have the most obvious and immediate consequences for consumers who purchase gasoline and diesel. Bigger ramifications, meanwhile, affect macroeconomic variables like rates of interest, trade gaps, price increases, currency conversion rates, and foreign exchange balances. Because of its significant cascading effects, oil poses an enormous threat to both the economy and the personal finances of everybody’s households. Required expenses include your mortgage or house loan, energy companies, and medical bills. On the other hand, movie tickets, refreshments, evening coffee, and dining out are less essential. You need to distinguish necessities and extra costs and cut back on your wasteful spending one by one when growing costs are making it harder for you to stick to your financial goals. Pay attention to debt, particularly as interest rates go up. Reducing balances on high-interest credit cards can result in tax savings, enhanced credit rating and score, as well as additional budget space for other bills or debt repayment. Select a debt repayment plan that makes sense for you after considering your unique economic situation. In three to five years, it can assist you in paying off unprotected loans. The trained counselors may work with your collectors to reduce costs, bring your financial records up to date, and cut fees and interest. If your income exceeds your spending by a significant margin, you are ready for any increases in expenditures. However, that is untrue for the majority of us. Our revenue either barely meets obligations due to growing costs or falls short. If all of your costs are necessary and your source of income is still insufficient, consider seeking a career, working part-time gigs on the weekends, or freelancing. Having control over your cash flow may appear challenging at times. Making and following lists before heading to the store is the greatest way to be an informed consumer. Decide that you will follow your list no matter what. Handling family budgeting can make it difficult to control your impulsive expenditures. To begin controlling your budget properly to combat inflation, considering these 4 tips will be beneficial. 

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Car Hacks: 4 Practical Yet Essential Tips To Maintain Your Car’s Cleanliness!

0 Maintaining an immaculate vehicle may be quite difficult for anyone leading a hectic lifestyle, and this is especially apparent if you have children. Luckily, keeping the car clean is easier than you might think if you prepare ahead of time. Many car owners focus more on repairing the outside of their automobiles than the interior, investing a greater amount of time, money, and effort in the latter. They fail to notice that a cluttered interior is a dangerous home for several deadly pathogenic microorganisms and is unappealing. Our four tips to keep your car clean will benefit both your car and your health. You’ll undoubtedly need to remember to take out the garbage every time or be too preoccupied, which is why having a disposable trash bag in your vehicle is so helpful. You can purchase an easily attachable washable sack to the center console or rear seat or make one from scratch. Pristine footwear will keep the internal parts of the vehicle spotless for longer. To remove excess sand lodged in the exterior soles of your footwear, lean sideways on the seat with your legs outside and tap your footwear repeatedly. This should be done more on particularly sandy days, like while visiting the beach. A handheld vacuum machine may be a great addition to your automobile, whether you want to get a battery-operated one or connect it to the AC adaptor. When you discover yourself walking in mud or dropping an accidental mound of crumbs behind the passenger seat, pull it out of the hatchback and keep it there. Air fresheners cannot solve the offensive smells in your automobile. Conversely, they could combine with already-existing smells to make the situation worse. To purify the air, use an odor remover spray rather than these perfumed solutions. Spritz as often as necessary to achieve the desired “pure air smell.” After that, you may create a DIY air freshener for your car and put it inside. It is a superior substitute for the overpowering, artificial scent of inexpensive air purification products.  A competent detailer can make your car look flawless regardless of whether you maintain it quite tidy. At least once a year, give your automobile an all-encompassing detailing to protect both the inside and exterior.

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Build Your Financial Strength: 4 Amazing Benefits of Achieving Investment Goals With SIPs!

0 People who want to increase their assets over time are turning to SIP investments as a form of investment. Throughout time, you may accumulate tiny contributions frequently by using a systematic investment plan (SIP), which is a way to invest your earnings into mutual fund holdings. You can take advantage of the cyclical nature of your investments and build an assortment of assets this way. As a result, using SIPs does deal with the need for precise timing of market events. Let’s explore the benefits of SIPs in more detail! 1. Flexible Investment AmountSIP investing offers several advantages over lump sum investments, one of which is the ability to invest as little as Rs 500 each month in mutual funds. This is the best monthly investment option because it is affordable and does not break the bank.Thanks to the systematic investment strategy step-up option, you may also increase your total monthly investments as your profits grow. Furthermore, you can invest in a limitless number of mutual funds or SIPs concurrently. The SIP investment plan can facilitate reaching investing goals more quickly. 2. Achieve Your Financial Objective ConsistentlyReaching your financial objectives and saving methodically are the first and most significant advantages of investing with a SIP. Because SIP investing programs require continuous contributions, you can set aside a particular sum of money each month and create an accumulation for yourself. By doing this, you can ensure that your financial objectives are continuously met and that you will have a stable financial future. 3. Rupee Cost AveragingOne way to lower the average cost of buying mutual fund units is to put money in SIPs. You may organize your investment decisions on the state of the market by using cost averaging. Fewer units will be bought during periods of elevated prices because SIP trading involves a set amount of investment. Conversely, when market prices are inadequate, more units will be purchased. 4. Advantage from the Power of CompoundingYou can take advantage of compounding’s potential by investing in SIPs. With this idea, your investment earnings are put back into the economy, increasing profits over time. This is a great way to increase your financial assets over time significantly and might assist you in building an impressive amount of funds. A systematic investment plan (SIP) offers investors a planned, controlled method of investing in mutual funds, which has various advantages mentioned above. Even novice or tiny shareholders may profit from mutual fund investments and develop an organized financial mindset with SIPs. The option to begin with small sums, modify holdings as necessary, and even suspend contributions allows for versatility in response to shifting conditions.

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Extra Income Besides 9-5 Job: Be an Affiliate Marketer & Get Financial Freedom!

0 Would you be interested in leading an untethered existence untainted by the restrictions of an office to make cash? You have probably heard a lot of individuals discuss how they can make an income while they slumber by becoming affiliate marketers. Does that job look like your ideal one? Among the greatest methods to earn passive income online is through affiliate marketing, and only a little work is required of you. It’s the best and most straightforward way to earn additional funds easily. You may opt for affiliate marketing as a side gig besides full-time employment. Just properly market the goods! However, without further ado, we’ll talk about how affiliate programs can help folks make additional earnings in this blog. Affiliate Marketing: Overview The practice through which an affiliate promotes the goods or services of other businesses in exchange for a commission is known as affiliate marketing. You receive a special affiliate link upon enrolling in an affiliate program. You will receive a percentage on sales made through this special link when somebody makes an acquisition. A winning approach is affiliate marketing. In this case, affiliate advertisers and businesses both profit and are delighted. Why to Be an Affiliate Marketer? ●      Minimum to No Investment Just promoting things to others is what affiliate marketers do. No items are being made by you. If you decide to purchase a domain name, the sole funds you must shell out will be on the website setup. WordPress is one of the open-source platforms on which you can put your affiliate marketing website. In case you lack proficiency in website setup, you can pay somebody to handle the task on your behalf for a small amount. ●      Be Your Own Boss In every organization where you are employed, you have an authority figure to whom you are answerable. Your manager will give you assignments and monitor your performance. Working for someone else continues to be oppressive, even if your employer is sensible and compassionate. You run a private business as an affiliate marketer. Your hours of operation are up to you to decide on. You even get to pick what you are focusing on and where you work from. You are at liberty to decide the sort of things you are interested in selling and to alter it whenever you select. Your potential earnings with affiliate marketing are virtually limitless. To put it simply, there are no limits to “Earn Cash.” Thus, if you’re genuine about making a living through passive revenue, sign up for an affiliate advertising scheme now!

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Automotive Industry’s Tech Revolution: 4 Significant Mobile Tech Which Modify The Sector!

0 The automobile technology market is forecast to increase at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 8.21% between 2023 and 2028, with a predicted valuation of USD 69.18 billion in 2023 and USD 100 billion by 2028. Since they regularly keep an eye on those modifications, automakers aren’t willing to take any unnecessary risks. By collaborating with online firms, they are improving how people engage with autos. In this post, we’ll investigate four mobile innovations that are reshaping the auto industry. In this detailed review, we’ll cover the particulars of how the automobile industry is reinventing itself, as well as how upgrades in automotive technology have implications for the industry. The next generation of vehicle buying is virtual reality. The era of viewing vehicles at showrooms is long gone. These days, you may look at particular automotive features and functionalities and view a virtual tour of the vehicles in a virtual dealership. The panel and processor are integrated into your smartphone. Numerous dealerships have already used this technology, which will soon become widely available. The phrase “in-vehicle infotainment” (IVI) refers to devices or displays that provide both passengers and drivers with the most recent knowledge and recreational options. Manufacturers of cars and other cars use this state-of-the-art technological innovation to provide an appealing and pleasant ride for drivers and passengers. The infotainment display or screen of a modern automobile can assemble and generate anything these days. A technique called GPS vehicle tracking provides automatic updates on the whereabouts of cars. Internet access and the installation of a GPS gadget in an automobile are prerequisites for the latest technology. When installed, a smartphone can be utilized to monitor an automobile. A GPS tracker not only tells you where the vehicle is but also how fast it is going and whether it is in or out of a designated area. With the latest advances in motor vehicle technology, voice commands are mostly utilized in automobiles. They provide a practical and secure method for communicating with a car. The significant benefits of voice commands are expeditious and precise services and details to maximize the overall driving experience, minimum distractions, and enhanced safety, as drivers will be able to be focused while driving. It’s challenging to dismiss the mutually advantageous connection that exists between smartphones and automobiles. Connectivity between smartphones and automobiles is steadily improving, and fresher & more sophisticated technology is on the horizon. One of the most widely anticipated developments in the automotive industry is the development of driverless cars and electric vehicles (EVs), which major smartphone vendors are presently discussing with OEMs.

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Unleashing Vehicle Maintenance: 4 Absolute Tools For Your Honda City Sedan!

0 Several maintenance options are available, regardless of whether your vehicle is a brand-new, eye-catching Honda City sedan model or one of your outdated clunkers. If you have the necessary equipment and a basic understanding of auto mechanics, you could handle all of your own car upkeep and save a lot of money by avoiding auto repair businesses. These 4 pieces of equipment and tools might be useful in an emergency in addition to helping you operate your Honda City sedan. So, without a delay, let’s get started with 4 absolute tools! It is common for novice technicians to forget to twist nuts to the correct degree. When a nut is overtightened, it might fracture the bolt and become much more challenging to take out later on. To be sure you’re compressing to the right specs, employ a torque wrench with a clicker mechanism. Rotate the handle at the bottom and connect the top to the torque indicated on the tool to alter the amount of torque. When you detect two clicks, you’re done tightening. You should consider upgrading your existing screwdriver set, but screwdriver sets are just as handy outside the house as they are in your garage. Obtain a full set that comes with tiny screwdrivers sufficiently sensitive for use with electronics and a bigger flathead that may be used as a little prying device. Checking your tire pressure frequently is a good idea, but with life getting occupied, it is simpler to forget. Reduced gas mileage and shortened tread wear longevity may result from tires with inadequate inflation that were neglected during an earlier tire inspection. Better than inexpensive stick-up gauges, traditional dial-faced or electronic gauges provide precise and consistent readings. Using zip ties to bundle cables and wires keeps them out of the way of moving and heated components. It’s also simpler to work on a car when everything is neat and organized rather than looking like a rat’s nest. Purchase a variety of sized zip/nylon ties in bulk to ensure you have lots of choices later on. Purchasing a high-quality maintenance gear kit for your Honda City sedan is a smart move if you want a simple do-it-yourself auto repair approach. A mechanic’s tool kit should have often used tools such as extensions, a pair of wrenches, sockets, and ratchet grips.

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