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V-day at Workplace: 4 Trending Ways to Make Your Employees Feel Special!    


Although Valentine’s Day is typically connected with bouquets and chocolate, it’s also a wonderful opportunity to express thankfulness to colleagues! Take advantage of this chance to recognize the solid (interpersonal) relationships among colleagues. Do you recall celebrating by handing your classmates flowers alongside the dry, tasteless candies hearts? Even if you’re all grown up now, today is still a perfect time to show your teammates the right appreciation and devotion!  

This tactic raises the likelihood of sustained profitability for your company while strengthening relationships among employees. Excellent workplace efficiency is associated with employees who believe that they are included, and they are 167% more inclined to promote the organization to others. 

In case you’re ready to make your employees feel special on this V-day, these are the 4 amazing ways to boost the camaraderie!

  1. Gift candy mason jars

Send candies and snacks to your workplace or place mason jars full of sweets on workstations as an enjoyable early morning delight is a wonderful idea. It’s simple:

  • Just stuff a mason jar with chocolates and candies.
  • Wrap it with Valentine’s Day cupcake packaging.
  • Tie it off with a vibrant ribbon.

To make it more unique, put a funny remark attached and put a sticker with every individual’s name on the jar.

  1. Arrange a lottery contest

Organizing a cheerful gift contest is a very straightforward approach to boosting the mood at the company. Your staff will have a great time if you embrace the holiday’s attractions and provide them with a variety of entertaining and fitting Valentine’s Day rewards.

  1. Install a display board showing gratitude

Arrange a whiteboard, distribute markers, provide pushpins in order, and distribute paper flowers along with the invitation, “Explain how you’ve felt valued at the workplace”. To promote acknowledgment among peers, keep the board up for the following week. It’s also possible to make an online board!

  1. Beautify the workplace

Adorning your workspace is an effortless yet attractive way to commemorate Valentine’s Day, regardless of how you commemorate the holiday at work. After confirming that nobody is allergic to flowers or pollen, scatter some of the aromatic flower bouquets all over the room to get the party started. 

You may boost collaboration among teammates by showing them that you value them. Studies indicate that motivated workers are better at their jobs and are less inclined to look for other employment.

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