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Any time snacks – healthy snacks to munch anytime, anywhere


It is very natural for you to feel hungry and crave for something delicious and treat your taste buds, but at the same time it is important to know what you eat. Not always only fried and sugary foods are yummy, we can definitely find healthy alternatives to stay fit and also satisfy your cravings. These healthy snacks keep you energetic and also happy during the day.

Healthy snacks to munch anytime, anywhere

  • Dry roasted nuts and seeds
  • Fruit or veggie salad
  • Vegetable grilled sandwich
  • Sprout bhel
  • Whole wheat Khakhra

Roasted nuts and seeds


Nuts are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, energy and packed with antioxidants. They also contain omega-3 fatty acids. Nuts and seeds are good source of nutrients and energy. Nuts convert ‘bad cholesterol’ into ‘good cholesterol’ in the blood. Almonds, cashew, pistachios, walnut, peanuts, hazelnut are the commonly available ones and good to be consumed in raw state also or can be dry fried and seasoned with salt and spices. There are a variety of seeds like flax seeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds are also other healthy options to look into. Dry-roasted nuts are better in taste and slightly richer in calories.

Fruit salad and veggie salad

Fruits and vegetables are great source of vitamins, minerals and fibre. They contain vitamins A, C and E, and also contain magnesium, zinc, phosphorous along with folic acid. Having salads regularly increases the level or powerful antioxidants in your blood. Choose your salad base – green leaf lettuce, butter lettuce, spinach or any other greens, add fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, cucumber, avocado, bell peppers, broccoli or corn. You can add some more crunch by adding carrots, apples, red onions or toasted nuts. You can dress it with some home-made salad dressing.

Vegetable grilled wheat bread sandwich

The rich fibre content helps to maintain weight when consumed in right proportion. It also has vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates which keeps you full. Consuming whole wheat bread reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal cancer, hypertension and diabetes. Adding on nutrient rich crunchy vegetables are a good source of vitamins A, B1 and C and top it with little seasoning and grill it. It is appetizing and healthy right!

Sprout bhel

Sprouting increase the nutritional value of food and makes it best and healthy alternative to calorie-rich food. Wash and soak any gram of your choice in water overnight and wrap it in a piece of cloth for it to sprout, and you can use it boiled or directly. Mix finely chopped onions, tomatoes, raw mango, coriander, green chilies, sprouted grams and peanuts. Toss it with some salt, chili powder, chat masala and lemon juice and enjoy this super delicious snack.

Whole wheat Khakhra

Khakhras are a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and iron when prepared with whole wheat grain or any other fiber rich gluten free flour. They are low-calorie healthy snack as they are baked and not fried. Khakhra sandwich sounds even more delicious; stack some thin slices of onion, tomatoes, boiled potato, cucumber, and some sweet and spicy chutney, top it with some seasoning, and cover it with another khakhra on top and enjoy this delicious snack.

Enjoy these easily accessible and healthy alternatives to satisfy your food cravings.