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How to help yourself become the your best version

How to help yourself become the your best version – Part 1


Trying So hard and yet failing miserably, putting in all your efforts and dedication only to be called an effortless effort. If all these make you want to scream into a pillow and cry at nights, then this article is just the right pick for you. Consider this as the massive sign from the universe that is about to make you rethink your entire life and put you on a path of streamlined and consistent development. One of the major problems faced by today’s generation is not the naiveness of what is wrong, rather, the absence of guidance on what is right and what is to be done when and how. This article is the part 1 of the upcoming 4 part article, wherein, I explain what needs to be done to thrust up your success.

Have the ability to break a process into steps

Whenever you’re in a situation that has put you in the weaker tone, the issue is not about you lacking the knowledge or solution, instead, it lies in the incapability of a person to deduce a problem into smaller parts, which would, in fact, give you more clarity on the issue and induce you to create innovative solutions to them.

Logical decisions over Emotional choices

Given at any point in life, every living organism has to make countless decisions. May it be major life altering decisions like whom to marry or minor decisions like should you take an umbrella to work today, we all make decisions every other minute. Giving more importance and weightage to your Emotional Quotient rather than considering all the Logical aspects of the available choices can cause more damage and even knit the problems tighter. So next time you try to take any decision, try having a logical debate instead of an emotional battle.

Accept and celebrate your Failures

It may seem foolish to celebrate your failure, but upon closer inspection, you’re not actually celebrating the idea of you failing, rather, you’re giving yourself a pat on the back for putting in your best efforts and dedication. This will not only help you handle failures better than before, but also help you to remain consistent in your goals, since you’re already ready to face your failures, if any.

Learn to ask for help

Just like any other living creature on the face of the Earth, always remember that our complex society stands solely because humans are co-dependent. This means that it is okay to ask for help and it is okay to feel vulnerable at times. This does not make you petty or powerless, instead, this helps you remember whom to keep in your life and who would actually help you at times of trouble and tiredness. So remember, it is perfectly alright to take a step back and rest for a while from your mechanical life.

Grooming oneself to become their own personal hero is something that every human deserves, along with some self love. If you found these tips helpful, don’t forget to follow us for more such interesting and insightful content!

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