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Wanna Improve Your IQ Level? Here are 7 Habits To Enhance Your Intelligence!

August 03, 2024 |


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Do you dream of standing out with striking intelligence? With other students around you to admire you for your squarish spectacles and brain brimming with knowledge? If yes, we’ve gathered some daily activities for you to practice. Get ready to shine and be a star!

Read Books

Are you someone who enjoys diving into the comfort of the world of words? If yes, read every single day to be the nerd with big squarish glasses. Read books with different shades of emotion, from books set on an intriguing fictional island to books packed with astronomical amounts of knowledge. Reading books will magically supercharge your creativity. So happy reading!

Exercise Everyday

Exercising will not only reward you with a plethora of health benefits but also help you become a smart person with an enhanced IQ level. From yoga to merely walking down the street, any form of exercise will immensely help you but only if you’re exercising regularly.

Ask Questions

Let your brain spill with brimming curiosity. Keenly observe and intensely think to shoot questions out of everything. Let the child in you awake and wonder about everything with utmost excitement. From getting your doubts cleared to enhancing your understanding and communication skills, asking questions can reward you in many ways.

Play Memory Boosting Games

What could be more hilarious than indulging in games? Are you someone who enjoys playing Board Games? Is someone who gets thrilled to fill Sudoku? Does your heart beat in happiness while fitting the puzzle pieces? If yes, indulging in such games will help you increase your IQ.

Learn a New language

Learning a new language makes your brain magically develop with a plethora of benefits. The more complex things you put inside your brain, the more it slows down your cognitive decline. Swallowing the new vocabulary and grammar rules can improve your attention span and also enhances your brain’s capacity to memorise. Other benefits include sharpened creativity, self-confidence, enhancing first language, multitasking skills etc.

Learn a Musical Instrument

Music lover? Here comes the interesting daily activity for you to make your time turn into euphonious. From boosting your memory skills to hearing to spelling aptitude, instruments can help you enhance your intelligence in ways you never imagined.

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