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5 Ways To Boost Creativity Among Students in the Classroom!

July 30, 2024 |


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Being creative rewards one with a cornucopia of benefits and opportunities. A classroom without creative minds lacks enthusiasm and can fade into a hideously boring one. Why not nurture a creative environment where students can get cheered up and inspired to chase goal after goal? Here’s how you can magnetize creativity in the classroom!

Customize Your Classroom With a Theme

What could be more entertaining than draping the whole classroom in a weekly theme? Choose any strikingly interesting theme from history or literature. For example, you choose the Victorian era. Now you’ve to drench every little thing in your classroom with a Victorian touch and train your students to speak English as awe-striking as the characters in novels set in the Victorian period. Let students be Jo March from Little Women, Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice, and many more captivating characters. This will enhance their creative flow of language as well as their enthusiasm to learn.

Fill the Walls With Posters of Great Quotes

There are many quotes with different shades of emotions. Some quotes are just meant to shake our hearts while other quotes are meant to make us ponder and change into someone new. And some quotes look as if it’s written for us. So let the walls of your classroom be decorated with powerful quotes. It’ll immensely help your students remember and quote them on suitable occasions, and they’ll be admired for their cleverness.

Create a Vision Board

Create a big vision board for the academic year, and let all the students devise their weekly goals to stick on. Encourage the students to craft goal after goal to chase and achieve. Reward them with stickers or any school stationery item. While complimenting the achievers, don’t forget to cheer up the ones who are pacing like snails.

Build a Classroom Library

Cultivate reading habits in the classroom by creating a mini library. Motivate students to buy, exchange, and discuss books they have read. Making students compete by reading more, it’ll gradually mould them into voracious readers as well as enhance their cognitive functioning to build their realms of creative worlds.

Give Them Creative Assessments

Instead of making them write assignments with long, boring paragraphs, tell them to edit videos with pictures and audio describing the topic as creatively as possible. Let them present the topic in a story-telling format, song, or even comics. The more options you toss, the more creative they craft. By implementing this method, the classroom not only becomes an imaginative realm but also becomes engaging and comprehensive.

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