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Gattaca To Woman In The Moon: Best Sci-fi Movies Endorsed By NASA

May 03, 2024 |


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Do you get excited about movies with extraterrestrial beings? Or about an advanced futuristic society with a protagonist amidst the crippling challenges? Or what about unravelling the mystery that lies across the universe? If yes, there are some amazingly crafted sci-fi movies endorsed by NASA, for their gripping plots and jaw-dropping visuals. Here is the list of movies to get immersed in.

Gattaca (1997)

Gattaca is a film set in an astonishing futuristic era where genetically engineered humans are considered superior to the ones born without the help of technology. Vincent, “an in-valid”, has to face discrimination because of being born naturally in a world full of genetically advanced beings. Inorder to pursue his dream, he assumes the identity of a genetically enhanced specimen who was met with an accident. When he is about to grasp his dream, the program director is murdered. Will his secret be caught while investigating the murder?

Contact (1997)

If you’re someone who loves exploring stories about extraterrestrial beings, this one will definitely keep you hooked. Contact follows the quest of an astronaut named Eleanor Ellie Arroway. Fortunately, one day Ellie gets a mysterious signal from a faraway star Vega. After deciphering the coded message, Ellie and her team decide to set the journey by constructing a mysteriously advanced machine. Will the machine help them unravel the mystery that lies in distant space? Will she be able to directly contact the species of spacefaring civilization?

Jurassic Park (1993)

It’s time to re-watch and get immersed in the thrilling world of giant dinosaurs. Steven Spielberg’s smash hit “Jurassic Park“, revolves around an island theme park that houses dinosaurs crafted from prehistoric DNA. The movie turns interestingly horrifying when a dangerous malfunction frees the dinosaurs, letting even the most deadly Tyrannosaurus run free for meat. Brimming with chaos and challenges, Jurassic Park will keep your eyes popping, for the portrayal of gripping scenes of giant creatures that once reigned our earth.

Woman in the Moon (1929)

Here comes one of the earliest spellbinding silent movies! If you’ve watched Trip To The Moon, you’ll definitely like this serious depiction of space travel. Woman in the Moon is the first movie that introduced as well as impressed the mass about rocket and space travel. The movie depicts the moon as a prosperous planet packed with gold. With its spectacular effects and breathtaking visuals, New York Times said, Woman in the Moon was 2001 of 1929.

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