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The Leitner System to Information Retrieval: Action-packed Learning Techniques to Boost Retention

April 03, 2024 |


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There are many action-packed learning techniques to upgrade your studying methods. Isn’t it boring and annoying to merely swallow chapters only to forget the very next week? From the Leitner system to Information Retrieval, we’ve collected some fascinating studying methods to help you enhance memory through repeated revising, pausing and mapping methods.

The Leitner System

The Leitner learning system is characterised by spaced repetitions with the use of flashcards. The more we repeat the materials, the longer we memorise. This method can be employed when you’re faced with challenging topics. Here’s how you can apply this method

Step 1: Craft flashcards and jot down the title of topic on one side, and the explanation on the other side

Step 2: Collect some boxes to house these flashcards. Categorise the boxes with labels like “everyday, every other day, once in a week etc..”. The labels decide how much time you need to spend on particular topics and subjects.

Pause Procedure

This is all about pausing while studying. Pause every 15 minutes to indulge in reviewing everything you’ve learnt, frame questions to answer, identify the gap in your knowledge and work to fill it. The purpose of this method is to lessen the chances of losing attention. Pause procedure was introduced to be implemented in classrooms by teachers, so the students will get the time to clear the gap and explore the information as detailed as possible.

Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is all about organising information around the concept in the form of spider diagram. First you’ve to write down a core concept, and let your mind revolve around the idea to gather information linked to the concept. Now highlight words and phrases using different colours depending upon their relevance. Prefer keywords over phrases, and also add images to make it attractive enough to memorise.

Information Retrieval

A week after learning, try to remember the things you’ve learnt by framing questions by yourself. Practising information Retrieval method will make it easier for you to recall the information even after days. From writing down notes to sketching to mapping, there are many ways to practise information Retrieval. Don’t cheat yourself by peeking at the textbook while retrieving information. After recreating the information, check the notes to correct the errors and learn from it.

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