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Free courses for beginners Part 1

June 27, 2023 |


Free courses for beginners Part 1

The job interviews today are quite hard to crack, especially in a densely populated country like India, where the rate of unemployment is rising alarmingly. Almost hundreds and thousands competing against a handful of openings and vacancies, what we as youngsters and job seekers desperately need is something to set us apart and make us look unique from the other applicants. One of the top requirements of the hour are Certified courses that actively highlight your profile better.

This series is focused on sharing some of the free, yet certified courses that you can avail and learn to make your resume stand out and give you better chances at getting shortlisted! Keep up and follow for more such intriguing content!

Grow with Google

Grow with Google is an initiative taken by Google to provide Free Online courses on a vast array of subjects and domains to help students and job seekers gain knowledge with lesser complications. Simply log in to the Grow with Google website and choose your desired course from the Learn a skill tab and add to your profile!


If you’re a student, then you’re most certainly aware of this little magic website that lets you take up courses for free over the term of just a few weeks. Create your profile now and start learning new courses to keep yourself updated on what the market requires from a candidate!

IBM courses

Did you know that IBM offers free courses that have a learning span up to 16 weeks? Log on to the official IBM website and enrol yourself under the Free Digital Learning section of their website and start off!

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