Living an untethered life, away from all the daily buzz of stress and deadlines that crush you alive is what today’s electric millennials and yesterday’s exhausted Gen Z look forward to. Waiting till your retirement to travel is physically impractical. Grab your next opportunity to get away from your stressful lives and check out these top countries to travel in 2023 part 2! If you haven’t gone through the first part, keep up and follow for more such interesting content!
Nestled between the rainforests of eastern Central America and the Caribbean Sea, this little country is infamous for its pristine jungles, dense rainforests, sapphire blue water bodies in and around the country. Witness the piqued richness of wildlife diversity, Belize is a mandatory stop during your international trips.
The Land of Smiles, Sri Lanka majorly relies on its tourism and has one of the most unique cuisines and landscapes. Do check out the flourishing buddhist monasteries and ancient architectures that tell tales of the thousands of years of diverse cultures and triumphs!
The country of Kyrgyzstan is located in the Central Asia neighbouring Kazakhstan, and is majorly covered in green and white mountains. Attracting tourism with its prosperous landscapes, and home to 3 UNESCO heritage sites, this country is sure to give you the chills of adventure and adrenaline that you’ve been craving!